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30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise makes you more resilient against stressors.  

moderate (adj.) 中等的,適度的;有節制的 KK[ˋmɑdərɪt] 媽的瑞ㄊ 

intensity (n.) (思想、感情、活動等的)強烈;極度

resilient (adj.) 迅速恢復精力的 









Ever wonder why you feel so great after you break a sweat? Turns out, exercise isn't just an effective flab-fighter -- it's a remedy for pretty much any troubling health issue you are facing: anxiety, insomnia, back pain -- even hot flashes.

break a sweat 揮汗淋漓

turn out 在場; 露面; 集合; 出席;以某方式發生; 證明為

remedy (n.) 治療;治療法 KK[ˋrɛmədɪ] ㄌㄨㄟmə

anxiety (n.) 焦慮 KK[æŋˋzaɪətɪ] 

insomnia (n.) 失眠症 KK[ɪnˋsɑmnɪə] 影桑明呃  拆解: in→否定;somn→ sleep, 睡眠


When it comes to preventing health problems, exercise is one of the best medicines we have

When it comes to 一提起~ 後面一定是+ 人、事、物 (名詞),故+N / V-ing (動詞佔名詞缺須V+ing,形成動名詞) 


Do a quick blast of cardio on the morning of a hectic day, or to unwind at the end of one. 

blast (n.) (一陣)疾風(或氣流等)

cardio (n.) 有氧運動; 表示心,心臟(如:cardiogram)

hectic (adj.)  興奮的;忙亂的;鬧哄哄的;(因患病)發熱的,升火的

unwind (v.)  (使)心情輕鬆


Wrap up your workout at least three hours before you hit the sack: Exercise can be too stimulating near bedtime.

wrap up (ph.)  總結, 概括,包裹, 掩藏

hit the sack 就寢;sack 麻袋

stimulate (v.) 刺激;激勵,鼓舞;使興奮


If you've been using willpower to resist those 3 p.m. chocolate urges.

willpower (n.) 意志力

urge (n.) 衝動, 刺激  KK [ɝdʒ] 二兒ge



fatigue (v./n.) 使疲勞

arouse (v.) 喚起, 激起, 使行動起來

aim (v./n.) 瞄準, 目標, 致力於

resilient (adj.) 能復原的, 有彈性的 

spine (n.) 脊椎

carving (v./n.) 渴望




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